Invasive fungal infections (human health)

Health Burden

Invasive fungal infections pose a severe health and economic burden globally, exacerbated by diagnostic delays, multidrug resistance, and limited treatment options. Fungi infect billions of people every year, yet their contribution to the global burden of disease is largely unrecognised. However, severe fungal infections form a significant global health concern, with increasing incidence rates (6.5 mio people) and annual mortality rates (3.8 mio deaths).

The incidence of invasive fungal infections is rising worldwide as a result of modern medical interventions and use of immunosuppressive agents in the treatment of diseases such as AIDS.



There is an urgent unmet medical need for safer and more effective antifungal drugs, especially when multidrug resistance has become a fact for multiple IFI’s.



Convincing in vitro and in vivo preclinical results in invasive fungal infections (including biofilm formations) have been documented, and show the potential of this compound to treat these multidrug resistant indications. Combining those results with phase 1 study results, a Qualified Infectious Disease Product programme at FDA could be considered for D121.

Oblita Therapeutics is open for partnerships or out-licencing agreements.